Security Keys

QuoteSoft uses two different style of security devices. Images of them both are shown below. Your security keys should have tags attached to them, if not it is recommended that you label them for clarification in the future.

FAQ – If your security keys cannot be detected by the software it is recommended to perform the following procedures:

Locally installed USB Security Keys (in the workstation) see below:

  • Unplug the security key, restart the workstation, plug the key into the workstation again. Try the software again
  • Unplug the security key and plug it into a different USB port. Try the software again
  • Unplug the security key, uninstall the Sentinel Protection Installer from your workstation. Reboot the workstation. Download and install the latest driver Sentinel Security Key Driver. Reboot the workstation, plug the security key in. Try the software again
  • Call support for assistance trouble shooting your security key


Server installed USB Security Keys (in the server) see below:

  • Restart the workstation. Try the software again
  • Unplug the security key and plug it into a different USB port. Try the software again
  • Unplug the security key, uninstall the Sentinel Protection Installer from your Server. Download and install the latest driver Sentinel Security Key Driver. Plug the security key in. Reboot the workstation and try the software again
  • Call support for assistance trouble shooting your security key

Contacting Support
Our support hours are from 6:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.

Phone: 541-684-4665
Fax: 541-684-4728
Alt Phone: 1-800-813-7020
